When the Director General of Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations finds that a breach of the obligation to transmit the information provided for in Article R. 6113-17-1 has occurred, he notifies the Ministry or the certifying body, by any means that provides a date certain upon receipt, of a formal notice indicating the period within which the Ministry or the certifying body must comply with its obligations, which may not be less than sixty days from the date of notification of the formal notice. The Director General informs the Ministry or the certification body that it may submit written observations and ask to be heard.
If compliance is not achieved within the given timeframe, the Director General of Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations will inform the Director General of France Compétences, forwarding any written observations or the minutes of the hearing of the ministry or certifying body. The Director General of France Compétences may, depending on the nature and seriousness of the breach, notify the Ministry or certifying body of:
1° Suspension or withdrawal from the national registers of the professional certification or certification or accreditation concerned;
2° Suspension or withdrawal from the national registers of all professional certifications or certifications or accreditations issued by the Ministry or body concerned.
II – Persons whose application has been declared admissible for a process of validation of acquired experience within the meaning of article L. 6412-2 and persons enrolled in a training programme at the time of the suspension or withdrawal of the professional certification or the certification or accreditation in question may, after obtaining it, avail themselves of its registration in the national register of professional certifications or in the specific register. Persons who have obtained a professional certification or a certification or authorisation before the effective date of its suspension or withdrawal may avail themselves of its registration in the national register of professional certifications or in the specific register.