If a member is unable to attend, he may give his proxy to another voting member. A member may not hold more than two proxies. The mandate is valid only for the meeting for which it was given.
Home | French Legislation Articles | Part Six: Lifelong vocational training | Book I: General principles and institutional organisation of vocational training | Title I: General principles | Chapter III: Professional certification | Section 4: Professional advisory committees | Article R6113-23 of the French Labour Code
If a member is unable to attend, he may give his proxy to another voting member. A member may not hold more than two proxies. The mandate is valid only for the meeting for which it was given.
Lorsqu’il n’est pas suppléé, un membre empêché peut donner son mandat à un autre membre ayant voix délibérative. Un membre ne peut détenir plus de deux mandats. Le mandat n’est valable que pour la séance pour laquelle il a été donné.
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