The Board deliberates on the agency’s work programme and the resources to be used to implement it. It also deliberates on the following matters:
1° The general organisation of the agency and its internal regulations;
2° The agency’s budget and amendments thereto, the financial accounts and the allocation of results, as well as the employment table;
3° Donations and legacies;
4° Acquisitions, disposals, exchanges of buildings, leases and rentals relating to them and involving commitments for a term longer than that set by the Board;
5° Contracts or agreements for amounts in excess of a threshold that it determines, as well as all the agreements mentioned in 2° of article R. 6113-35 ;
6° Legal proceedings and settlements;
7° Decisions relating to the implementation of automated processing of nominative information mentioned in II of article 27 of law no. 78-17 of 6 January 1978 relating to information technology, files and freedoms;
8° The Agency’s participation in public interest groups;
9° The annual report on the Agency’s activities presented by the Director General;
10° The information or categories of information for which it wishes to make re-use subject to payment of a fee, with a view to their inclusion on the list provided for in Article R. 324-6-1 of the Code of Relations between the Public and the Administration;
11° Fees for services rendered;
12° Conditions for the administrative and financial management of contract staff.
The Board of Directors may delegate to the Managing Director the decisions mentioned in 4° and 6° of this article.
Each year, the Board is informed of all contracts and agreements entered into during the previous year.