The Chief Executive of the Agency is appointed for a renewable term of three years by order of the ministers responsible for health and social security.
He is responsible for managing the establishment. He performs all acts that are not reserved to the Board of Directors by virtue of the provisions of article R. 6113-43. He prepares the decisions of the Board of Directors and ensures that they are implemented. It prepares and implements the Agency’s budget and prepares the annual activity report.
It recruits, appoints and manages contract staff. He has authority over all the establishment’s staff.
He represents the agency in legal proceedings and in all civil acts. He concludes contracts, agreements and procurement contracts on behalf of the Agency, as well as all acts of acquisition, sale and transaction, subject to the powers conferred on the Board of Directors by article R. 6113-43, 4° and 5°.
It is the authorising officer for the Agency’s revenue and expenditure. He may appoint secondary authorising officers.
He may delegate his signature to those of his staff who exercise a management function within the Agency.