When the Autorité de contrôle prudentiel et de résolution temporarily suspends, restricts or prohibits the free disposal of all or part of the assets of a person subject to its supervision, pursuant to 4° of Article L. 612-33, the Autorité may order any issuing or depositary company or entity, in accordance with the procedures set out in Article R. 612-9 to any issuing or depository company or entity to refuse to carry out any transaction involving accounts or securities belonging to the person in question, or to refuse to pay interest or dividends on such securities, or to make the carrying out of such transactions subject to the prior approval of an auditor.
The AMF may require enforceable copies of mortgage loans granted by the person concerned to be deposited with the Caisse des dépôts et consignations.
Lastly, the Authority may require that all funds, securities and other assets held or owned by the person in question be transferred to the Banque de France for deposit in a blocked account opened in the name of the supervised person, within a time limit and subject to conditions set by the Authority. This account may only be debited by order of its holder with the express authorisation of the AMF or any person designated by it, and only for a specific amount.