The institution’s budget comprises nine financial sections:
1° A section dedicated to the financing of work-linked training, divided into five sub-sections:
a) A sub-section dedicated to the equalisation between skills operators mentioned in 1° of article L. 6123-5 ;
b) A sub-section dedicated to the financing of the driving licence subsidy mentioned in 1° of the same article;
c) A sub-section dedicated to the payment to the regions of funds for the financing of apprentice training centres under 2° of the same article;
d) A sub-section dedicated to skills operators for the financing of work-linked training mentioned in c of 3° of Article L. 6123-5 ;
e) A sub-section dedicated to the payment to the Centre National de la Fonction Publique Territoriale of funds to finance the training costs of apprentices that it covers under 1° of Article L. 6123-5;
2° A section dedicated to financing the personal training account mentioned in a of 3° of the same article;
3° A section dedicated to financing the training of jobseekers mentioned in b of 3° of the same article;
4° A section dedicated to the financing of skills development aid for companies with fewer than fifty employees, as referred to in c of 3° of the same article;
5° A section dedicated to the financing of professional development advice under 4° of the same article;
6° A section dedicated to the financing of professional transition projects mentioned in 5° of the same article;
7° A section dedicated to the allocation of funding to the training insurance funds for non-salaried workers and to the training councils mentioned in Article R. 6331-63-1 ;
8° A section dedicated to the allocation of funding to the committee for consultation and coordination of apprenticeships in the building and public works sector mentioned in article L. 6331-41;
9° A section dedicated to the operation and investment of the establishment:
a) A sub-section dedicated to operating expenses ;
b) A sub-section dedicated to investment expenditure;
France Compétences may create any other section on behalf of third parties.