The Board of Directors comprises fifteen members appointed by order of the Minister for Vocational Training as follows:
1° A college consisting of three representatives of the State with forty-five votes, appointed as follows:
a) One representative appointed by the Minister responsible for vocational training, with fifteen votes ;
b) A representative appointed by the Minister for the Budget, with fifteen votes;
c) A representative appointed jointly by the Minister for National Education, the Minister for Higher Education and the Minister for Agriculture, with fifteen votes;
2° A college made up of five representatives of representative employee trade unions at national and cross-industry level, appointed by each of them and with twenty votes. Within this college, each trade union organisation has a number of votes set by order of the Minister responsible for vocational training, in proportion to its audience at national and cross-industry level;
3° A college made up of three representatives of professional employers’ organisations that are representative at national and cross-industry level, appointed by each of them and with twenty votes. Within this college, each professional employers’ organisation has a number of votes set by order of the Minister responsible for vocational training, in proportion to its audience at national and cross-industry level.
4° A college made up of two representatives of regional councils, appointed by the Minister responsible for vocational training, on the recommendation of the Association Régions de France, each with seven and a half votes;
5° A college made up of two qualified personalities of different sexes, at least one of whom must hold a local elected office and one of whom must be appointed on the advice of the Minister for Disability, appointed by the Minister for Vocational Training, each with five votes;
The members of the Board of Directors, with the exception of the qualified individuals, may be represented by an alternate, appointed under the same conditions.
The term of office for members of the Board of Directors is three years.
The Chief Executive Officer and any other person whose presence is deemed useful by the Chairman attend meetings of the Board of Directors.