I.-The Board of Directors deliberates on :
1° Setting a maximum level of funding eligible for the inter-branch equalisation referred to in 1° of Article L. 6123-5 ;
2° The monitoring and evaluation of the quality of the training initiatives mentioned in 7° of Article L. 6123-5, in particular the national reference framework provided for in Article L. 6316-3;
3° The recommendations referred to in 10° of Article L. 6123-5 in accordance with the provisions of Article L. 6123-10;
4° Actions implemented pursuant to 11° of Article L. 6123-5;
5° Recognition of the labelling bodies provided for in Article L. 6316-2, on the basis of the national reference framework mentioned in Article L. 6316-3;
6° The annual activity report intended for Parliament and the Minister responsible for continuing vocational training, in accordance with the provisions of article L. 6123-11 ;
7° The three-year agreement on objectives and performance concluded with the State in application of article L. 6123-11;
8° The allocation of surpluses to skills operators, non-employee training insurance funds, training councils and regional inter-professional joint committees, within the framework of one or more of the financial sections mentioned in article R. 6123-16;
9° The establishment’s initial budget and amending budgets;
10° The annual balance sheet, profit and loss account, cost accounting principles and decisions relating to the determination and allocation of profits for the financial year and the constitution of reserves;
11° The conclusion of loans, the term of which may not exceed twelve months, above a threshold defined by the Board’s regulations;
12° Contracts and other agreements involving, on the part of the establishment, a financial commitment the value of which exceeds a threshold defined by the Council’s regulations or entered into under 4° and 14° of article L. 6123-5 ;
13° The acquisition or disposal of real estate assets;
14° The multi-annual property strategy plan;
15° Legal proceedings and transactions exceeding an amount set by the Council’s internal regulations;
16° the information systems master plan;
17° the appointment of statutory auditors;
18° Granting advances to organisations or companies whose purpose is to contribute to the execution of the institution’s missions;
19° Participation in a public interest grouping or any other form of public or private grouping;
20° The rules of the board of directors, the internal rules of the committee responsible for the professional certification provided for in article L. 6113-6 and the code of ethics applicable to the members of the board of directors and to the staff of the institution;
21° The creation of specialised committees within the institution and their rules of procedure.
II – The Board of Directors is kept informed :
1° The work of the committees and bodies set up within the institution ;
2° Reports of malfunctions mentioned in 12° of article L. 6123-5 ;
3° The consolidation, coordination and publicising of the work of the prospective observatories for trades and qualifications under 13° of Article L. 6123-5;
4° Annual reports on the implementation of the establishment’s project and the three-year agreement on objectives and performance;
5° The general conditions of organisation and operation of the establishment, in particular the general conditions of employment and remuneration of staff;
6° Borrowings, with a term of no more than twelve months, for an amount below the threshold mentioned in 11° of I ;
7° Multiannual purchasing action plans and contracts and other contracts not covered other than those mentioned in 12° of I;
8° Leases and rentals of buildings;
9° The progress of the multi-annual property strategy plan, the information systems master plan and the purchasing action plan;