I.- Apart from the ex officio members, the interns’ representatives and the members who attend the committee’s meetings in an advisory capacity, the seats for each category of representatives are filled by secret ballot by a two-round majority. There is one alternate for each seat allocated.
No person may vote or stand for election in more than one capacity.
To be elected in the first ballot, the candidate must receive an absolute majority of the votes cast and a number of votes equal to at least one-third of the number of registered voters. If a second ballot is held, the election is by relative majority, regardless of the number of votes cast. If several candidates obtain the same number of votes, the oldest is declared elected.
The term of office is four years, renewable. In exceptional circumstances, it may be reduced or extended, in the interests of the service, by a period not exceeding one year, by order of the Director General of the Regional Health Agency responsible for the establishment.
Residents’ representatives are appointed every six months at the start of each training period. They are appointed by the president of the hospital board after consultation with the organisations representing residents sitting on the subdivision committee for which the hospital is responsible.
Hospital student representatives are appointed for two years. They are appointed by the Chairman of the Executive Board on the recommendation of the students sitting on the councils of the training and research units linked to the institution by agreement. The representative of students in the second cycle of maieutics studies is appointed for two years by the president of the Executive Board on the recommendation of the students sitting on the council of the university component linked to the institution by agreement or on the recommendation of the students sitting on the technical council of the hospital school attached to the institution.
II – When a full member resigns or ceases to belong to the category or discipline he represents during his term of office, he is replaced by the substitute member from the same category or discipline who obtained the highest number of votes.
The duties of new members end on the date on which those of the members they replace would have ceased.
If there is no other alternate member in the category or discipline concerned, the alternate member who has become a full member shall be replaced immediately, in accordance with the conditions laid down in the institution’s internal rules.
III – The Director of the institution is responsible for calling and organising the elections. He will announce the results and draw up the list of members of the hospital medical committee.