The provisions of this section specify the rules for the recruitment and employment as contractual practitioners of doctors, pharmacists and odontologists by public health establishments, in application of the provisions of 2° of article L. 6152-1, and by the public establishments mentioned in I of article L. 313-12 of the Code de l’action sociale et des familles recruited from the date of entry into force of decree no. 2022-135 of 5 February 2022 relating to the new rules applicable to contractual practitioners.
The provisions that require consultation of the establishment’s medical committee or its chairman, as well as those that provide for the proposal or opinion of the head of the division, the head of the department or, failing that, the head of the functional unit or another internal structure, do not apply to practitioners carrying out their duties in the establishments mentioned in I of article L. 313-12 of the code de l’action sociale et des familles. For these practitioners, only the opinion of the hospital director is required.
When the structure of the establishment does not allow the opinion or proposal of the head of the division to be required, the opinion or proposal of the head of the department or the head of the internal structure takes its place.