The leave due under 1° of article R. 6152-358 may not be carried over to the following year, unless exceptional authorisation is granted by the director of the establishment after consulting the head of the department or, failing that, the head of the internal structure.
However, annual leave not taken as a result of the leave mentioned in 4°, 5°, 6° and 7° of article R. 6152-358 may be carried forward for up to twenty days, over a period of fifteen months from the date of resumption of duties.
In the event of permanent cessation of duties following sick leave which did not allow the effective carryover of annual leave not taken, permanent physical unfitness or the death of the practitioner, the practitioner or, in the event of death, his heirs shall receive compensation proportional to the number of days of annual leave not taken. The daily amount of this compensation is calculated by reference to the remuneration paid to the practitioner during his annual leave.