A contractual practitioner suffering from a duly diagnosed condition which, with the exception of the pathologies mentioned in article R. 6152-39, on the list drawn up in application ofarticle 28 of decree no. 86-442 of 14 March 1986 relating to the appointment of approved doctors, the organisation of medical committees and reform boards, the conditions of physical fitness for admission to public employment and the sick leave scheme for civil servants, and which necessitates costly and prolonged treatment and care making it impossible for him/her to carry out his/her duties, is entitled to long-term sick leave.
This leave is granted by the director of the establishment for a maximum period of three years, during which the practitioner receives the full emoluments mentioned in 1° of article R. 6152-355 for one year, then half for two years.
A practitioner who has been granted long-term sick leave may not be granted another such leave if he has not previously returned to work for one year.
The granting of long-term sick leave to a contractual practitioner may not have the effect of extending the duration of the current contract.