In the event of a duly confirmed illness, attested by a medical certificate, which makes it impossible for a practitioner to carry out his duties, he is automatically placed on leave by decision of the director of the establishment.
A practitioner on sick leave retains the full emoluments provided for in 1° of article R. 6152-23, for a period of three months; these emoluments are reduced to half for the following nine months.
When at the end of the first period of six consecutive months of sick leave, a practitioner is unfit to return to work, the medical committee is asked to give its opinion on any request to extend this leave within the limit of the remaining six months.
When a practitioner has been granted sick leave for a total of twelve consecutive months, he may not, on expiry of his last period of leave, return to service without the favourable opinion of the medical committee; in the event of an unfavourable opinion, he shall be placed on availability.
In the event that a practitioner suffers from an illness or disability resulting in professional incapacity, the Director General of the Centre National de Gestion may, after receiving the opinion of the medical committee and under the conditions set out in articles R. 6152-62, R. 6152-63 and R. 6152-65, automatically lay off the practitioner in question.