The assistants receive after service has been rendered:
1° Flat-rate monthly emoluments which vary according to whether they are generalists or specialists, and which vary according to seniority, the amount of which is set by order of the ministers responsible for the budget, health and social security. The amount of these emoluments is calculated in proportion to the number of half-days worked per week, when the duties are performed on a part-time basis. These emoluments are in line with changes in civil service salaries, as determined by the Minister for Health;
2° Indemnities and allowances, the purpose and arrangements for which are laid down by decree.
Subject to the provisions of articles R. 6152-506, R. 6152-517 and article 25 of law no. 83-634 of 13th July 1983 on the rights and obligations of civil servants and the regulatory provisions adopted for its application, assistants working full-time may not receive any other emoluments in respect of activities carried out both inside and outside the establishment to which they are assigned.