When the interests of the service so require, an assistant recruited in application of article R. 6152-503 may be immediately suspended from his duties, on a temporary basis, by the director of the establishment, after consulting the head of the department or, failing this, the head of the department, functional unit or any other internal structure. The Director shall immediately inform the Director General of the Regional Health Agency of the suspension.
If disciplinary proceedings are taken against the assistant, the decision to suspend may be confirmed by the Director General of the Regional Health Agency within one month of the Director’s decision, for a period which may not exceed three months in total.
In the absence of confirmation by this authority of the Director’s decision within the aforementioned period of one month, this provisional suspension decision ceases to have effect ipso jure.
During the period of suspension, the person concerned shall retain all the emoluments mentioned in 1° of Article R. 6152-514.