In the event that a position in an approved structure likely to be offered to an intern or resident has not been offered to interns or residents, or if it has not been chosen, the director of the health establishment may, on the proposal of the head of the department or, failing this, the head of the service, of the functional unit or any other internal structure concerned, decide to call upon a doctor, medical student, pharmacist or pharmacy student belonging to one of the categories mentioned in article R. 6153-43.
The list of unfilled posts for interns or residents located in centres or structures approved in application of article 30 of decree no. 2004-67 of 16 January 2004 relating to the organisation of the third cycle of medical studies or article 3 of decree no. 88-996 of 19 October 1988 relating to specialised studies in the third cycle of pharmacy studies is communicated to the director general of the regional health agency, who may authorise the assignment to these posts of persons belonging to the categories mentioned in 1° and 2° of article R. 6153-42.
The assignment is decided by the director of the health care establishment, on the proposal of the head of the division or, failing that, the head of the department, the functional unit or any other internal structure concerned. The director of the health care organisation informs the doctor or pharmacist appointed by the Director General of the Regional Health Agency.
Students or practitioners acting as interns are appointed for a period running from the date on which the interns take up their duties until the date corresponding to the end of their probationary period. This period may then be renewed every six months.
The provisions of this article do not apply to dental internships.