No list may be submitted or modified after the date specified in the fourth paragraph of Article R. 6156-15. Similarly, no withdrawal of candidacy may be made after the lists have been submitted.
However, if one or more candidates on a list are recognised as ineligible by the Minister for Health within three days of the deadline for submitting lists, the latter shall immediately inform the list delegate. The latter then has three days from the expiry of this deadline in which to inform the Minister of any request for rectification of the reason for ineligibility. If no rectification is made, the Minister strikes the ineligible candidates from the list. This list may only take part in the elections if it satisfies the condition of containing a number of names equal to two thirds of the seats of full and alternate representatives to be filled.
Where the admissibility of one of the lists is not recognised, the three-day period provided for in the first sentence of the preceding paragraph shall only run in respect of that list from the date of notification of the judgment of the administrative court, where it is seised of a challenge to the Minister’s decision.
If the event giving rise to the ineligibility occurred after the deadline for submitting lists, the Minister shall remove the ineligible candidate from the list and he may replace him up to the day before the ballot without having to change the date of the elections.