The inventory provided for in Article L. 622-6 is carried out, the debtor or his known successors, present or called.
The debtor shall provide the person appointed to draw up the inventory with a list of the assets pledged, hypothecated or placed under customs subjection, as well as a list of the assets he holds in deposit, rental or leasing, or under reservation of ownership or, more generally, which are likely to be claimed by third parties. It shall list the assets that it may request to be repossessed under the conditions set out in article L. 624-19. This list is appended to the inventory.
Where applicable, where it is not registered in the Trade and Companies Register or the Trade Register, it shall inform the judicial representative of the declaration of unseizability that it has made pursuant to Article L. 526-1.
The inventory is filed with the court registry by the person who drew it up. The latter gives a copy to the debtor, the administrator, where one has been appointed, and the judicial representative.
The president of the court or his delegate shall determine the remuneration of the person appointed to draw up the inventory, in the light of a detailed account, where applicable in accordance with the tariff applicable to him.
In the absence of a regulated tariff, the provisions of the second and third paragraphs of Article R. 621-23 shall apply.