I.-If the société de participations financières de profession libérale de biologistes médicaux falls under the Order of Pharmacists or the Order of Physicians and ceases to comply with the legislative and regulatory provisions in force, it is given formal notice by the president of the competent council of the Order to regularise its situation within the period indicated in the formal notice.
The Director General of the relevant regional health agency is informed of the formal notice by the relevant council of the professional body concerned.
If, on expiry of this period, the company has not regularised its situation, the relevant council of the professional body will decide to deregister the company by means of a reasoned decision, which will be notified to the company by any means capable of proving its date of receipt.
A decision to deregister may only be taken after the members or their representative have been given the opportunity to present their observations.
The decision to deregister may be appealed to the competent regional or national council of the Association, as appropriate.
II.If the société de participations financières de profession libérale de biologistes médicaux falls under the Order of Pharmacists and the Order of Physicians and ceases to comply with the legislative and regulatory provisions in force, the provisions of I apply subject to the following provisions:
1° The president of the council of the ordre that issued the formal notice shall inform the president of the competent council of the other ordre by any means that provides proof of the date of receipt;
2° Where a council of the ordre intends to strike off the company, it shall inform the president of the council of the other ordre by any means that provides proof of the date of receipt and, where applicable, shall send him a copy of the decision;
3° If an appeal is lodged against a decision to strike off the register of a particular ordre, the president of the competent council of that ordre will inform the president of the competent council of the other ordre by any means that provides proof of the date of receipt.