The status of affected party and the methods for dividing into classes and calculating the votes corresponding to claims or rights allowing a vote to be cast may be contested by each affected party, the debtor, the administrator, the mandataire judiciaire and the public prosecutor. The official receiver shall be informed of this challenge by petition within ten days of the notification provided for in the first paragraph of Article R. 626-58, failing which the petition shall be inadmissible.
The debtor, the administrator, the mandataire judiciaire, even if they are not the plaintiff, and the party affected, if it is the author of the dispute or if its rights are the subject of the dispute, are summoned by any means and without delay by the court registry.
The juge-commissaire shall take note of the comments made by the debtor, the administrator, the mandataire judiciaire and the party affected.
The official receiver shall hear the observations of the administrator and the opinion of the public prosecutor. If the official receiver does not take a decision within ten days of the matter being referred to him, the matter may be referred to the court by petition by any of the persons mentioned in the first paragraph and by the public prosecutor. In this case, the court exercises the powers of the juge-commissaire and gives its decision within ten days of the matter being referred to it.
The decision of the official receiver or the court is notified by the registry to the parties summoned to the hearing. It is communicated to the public prosecutor.
An appeal may be lodged by the parties.
An appeal may be lodged by the parties mentioned in the previous paragraph against this decision, within five days of its notification. The Public Prosecutor may also lodge an appeal within the same time limit from the date of notification of this decision. The appeal is lodged, investigated and judged in accordance with the procedures set out in the first to sixth paragraphs of article R. 661-6, with the exception of 2° of this article.
As soon as a decision has been taken on the appeal, the Public Prosecutor may lodge an appeal with the Court of Appeal.
As soon as a final decision has been taken on the dispute, and at least three days before the date of the vote, the administrator shall update, if necessary, the procedures for constituting classes and allocating voting rights. He shall inform the affected parties, the mandataire judiciaire and the public prosecutor.