For the application of V of Article L. 626-30 and Article L. 626-30-2, the bondholders are, where applicable, divided into one or more classes of affected parties. A notice convening the bondholders is published, at the administrator’s initiative, in a medium authorised to carry legal advertisements in the département in which the debtor’s registered office is located and, in addition, if the debtor has made a public offering or if all of its bonds are not in registered form, in the Bulletin des annonces légales obligatoires. This notice shall contain the information provided for in article R. 228-66 and an indication of the place referred to in article R. 626-61.
If all the bonds issued by the debtor are in registered form, the notice shall be published in the Bulletin des annonces légales obligatoires.
If all the bonds issued by the debtor are in registered form, the notices provided for in the previous paragraph may be replaced by a notice sent to each bondholder by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt. In the case of undivided bonds, notices of meeting shall be sent to all co-owners. Where the bonds are encumbered by a usufruct, the notice of meeting is sent to the bare owner.
The period between the date of the meeting and the date of the notice of meeting is as follows
The period between the date of insertion of the notice or the date of dispatch of the convening letters and the date on which the bondholders vote must be at least fifteen days.
The notice referred to in the first paragraph and the invitation referred to in the second paragraph include the information referred to in I of Article R. 626-58.
The invitation referred to in the third paragraph of Article R. 626-55 is included in the notice referred to in the third paragraph of this Article or in the notice of meeting referred to in the second paragraph.
Each bondholder has the right, during the ten-day period preceding the vote, to acquaint himself or herself or a proxy with the draft plan.