I. – For the purposes of V of Article L. 626-30 and Article L. 626-30-2, the holders of capital shall be allocated to one or more classes of affected parties and convened in accordance with the provisions of Book II, subject to the provisions of this Article.
II. – The period between the date either of the insertion or of the last of the insertions containing a notice of meeting, or of the dispatch of the letters, or of the transmission of the notice of meeting by electronic communication, and the date of the vote of the class of holders of capital shall be at least ten days.
The notice provided for in I of this Article shall be sent to the holders of capital by electronic means.
The notice provided for in I of Article R. 225-73 is published in the Bulletin des annonces légales obligatoires no later than twenty-one days before the date of the meeting of the shareholder class. This notice shall contain the information mentioned in I of article R. 626-58. If no notice is published, this information is included in the notice convening the meeting.
III. – Notwithstanding article R. 225-72, the request for the inclusion of an item or a draft resolution by the holders of capital on the agenda of the meeting is sent to the registered office of the debtor at least fifteen days before the date of the meeting of the class of holders of capital. This deadline is indicated in the documents referred to in II.
IV. – For sociétés anonymes and sociétés en commandite par actions, the notice of meeting must include the information referred to in articles R. 225-66 and R. 225-73 and a reminder of the deadline referred to in III.
V. – The period provided for in the second paragraph of article R. 225-89 and in the first paragraph of article R. 225-90 is reduced to ten days. The list of shareholders referred to in the second paragraph of article R. 225-90 is drawn up on the eleventh day before the meeting.