When, during the examination of an application for renewal or an application for confirmation of an authorisation, the findings made during the inspection mentioned in the last paragraph of Article R. 6322-6 lead to the suspension of the authorisation, the time limits provided for in Article R. 6322-6, as well as the periods mentioned in the second paragraph of Article R. 6322-11, are interrupted until the final decision is taken.
This interruption applies to applications submitted with a view to confirming or renewing the duration of an authorisation while it is suspended.
If the authorisation is not withdrawn, the examination of the application for renewal or confirmation of the authorisation will resume, without the silence of the Director General of the Regional Health Agency on this application giving rise to the tacit renewal of the authorisation provided for in Article R. 6322-6. The period of validity of the renewed authorisation is counted, as provided for in the second paragraph of article R. 6322-11, from the day after the previous authorisation was due to expire.