Where the holder of the authorisation is not a health care establishment, it shall set up a user relations and quality of care committee composed of :
1° The authorisation holder, or his representative, as chairman ;
2° Two medical mediators and their alternates;
3° Two non-physician mediators and their alternates;
4° A user representative and his/her alternate.
The non-physician mediators and their alternates are appointed by the authorisation holder from among the nursing staff or care assistants working in the cosmetic surgery facilities.
The doctor mediators and their alternates are appointed by the authorisation holder from among the doctors practising cosmetic surgery in facilities other than those concerned, or who have ceased to practise cosmetic surgery or to act as mediators for less than five years.
The users’ representative and his/her alternate are appointed by the Director General of the Regional Health Agency from persons proposed by the associations mentioned in article L. 1114-1 or, failing this, by duly registered consumer protection associations.