I. – Within the skills operator responsible for managing the contribution referred to in article L. 6331-55 , a special section is created to manage the contributions referred to in article L. 6331-65 of this code.
II – The board of directors of the skills operator decides, on a proposal from the management board of the section mentioned in I, on the training services and actions likely to be financed, the priorities, the criteria and the conditions for covering the costs of training requests submitted by artists and authors. In the absence of a proposal, the Board of Directors deliberates validly on these matters.
III – The management board of the section mentioned in I is made up of :
1° A college comprising twenty-one members representing the professional organisations of artists and authors;
2° A college comprising seven members representing professional organisations of broadcasters;
3° A college comprising five members representing collective management organisations contributing to funding.
IV – An order by the Minister for Culture sets, for a period of two years:
-the distribution of the number of seats between the professional branches of the college of artists and authors;
-the professional bodies called upon to sit on the three colleges and the number of seats allocated to each body.
The number of seats allocated to each college takes into account:
-for the college of artists and authors, the amount of contributions per professional branch as defined inarticle R. 382-1 of the Social Security Code;
-for the college of broadcasters, the amount of contributions by professional sector;
-for the college of collective management organisations, the amount of their contributions with regard to the professional branches of artists that they represent.
The Management Board draws up its own rules of procedure and communicates them to the Skills Operator’s Board of Directors.
V. – The funds available to the section mentioned in I are governed by the provisions of article R. 6332-77-1.