The declaration of activity indicates the name, address, purpose of the activity and legal status of the declarant.
Where applicable, the organisation should mention any other activities it carries out in its declaration.
Home | French Legislation Articles | Part Six: Lifelong vocational training | Book III: Continuing vocational training | Title V: Training organisations | Chapter I: Declaration of activity | Section 1: Filing and registration of the declaration | Article R6351-4 of the French Labour Code
The declaration of activity indicates the name, address, purpose of the activity and legal status of the declarant.
Where applicable, the organisation should mention any other activities it carries out in its declaration.
La déclaration d’activité indique la dénomination, l’adresse, l’objet de l’activité et le statut juridique du déclarant.
Le cas échéant, l’organisme mentionne dans sa déclaration les autres activités exercées.
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