When the director of the training organisation or his representative is considering taking a sanction which has an impact, whether immediate or otherwise, on the presence of a trainee or apprentice in a training course, the procedure is as follows:
1° The Director or his representative shall summon the trainee or apprentice and inform him of the purpose of the summons. This notice specifies the date, time and place of the interview. It shall be in writing and shall be sent by registered letter or delivered to the person concerned against a receipt;
2° During the interview, the trainee or apprentice may be assisted by a person of his choice, in particular the course delegate. The notice referred to in 1° shall mention this option;
3° The Director or his representative shall state the reason for the proposed sanction and shall hear the trainee’s or apprentice’s explanations.
The apprentice’s employer is informed of this procedure, its purpose and the reason for the proposed sanction.