In application of article L. 6523-1-1, a skills operator that is not based in an overseas territory may enter into an agreement with a skills operator that is based there for the purpose of carrying out its tasks in that territory for the benefit of companies subject to a collective agreement that is applicable there and companies in the territory concerned whose main activity falls within the professional field for which it is approved. An agreement may cover several overseas territories.
The agreements referred to in the previous paragraph state, in particular, the guidelines, training priorities, management decisions and conditions for paying for training actions, as defined by the skills operator not established in the territory or territories concerned, and set out the terms and conditions for the financing by the skills operator not established of actions carried out locally by the skills operator established.
These agreements are subject, prior to their conclusion, to a deliberation by the board of directors of the skills operators concerned. The Board of Directors of each body authorises the conclusion of these agreements and monitors their implementation.
Skills operators based in the overseas territories report to the non-resident skills operators with whom they have signed an agreement on the activity carried out and the use of the funds they manage locally on their behalf.
These agreements are subject to control as part of the three-year agreements on objectives and resources that the skills operators conclude with the State in application of article L. 6332-2.