The president of the court or his delegate may allocate remuneration to the plan implementation commissioner when he has assisted the debtor in the preparation of a project involving a substantial change in the objectives or means of the plan. This remuneration may not exceed half of that set pursuant to article R. 663-9. The debtor’s situation is assessed on the date of the application to the court to amend the plan.
Where the draft plan provided for in the preceding paragraph requires a modification of the classes of affected parties in accordance with the third sentence of the second paragraph of Article L. 626-31-1, the president of the court or his delegate may allocate remuneration to the plan implementation commissioner in respect of this modification and the preparation of voting operations.
This remuneration may not exceed 25% of that set pursuant to Article R. 663-10, up to a maximum amount of claims set at €25,000,000.
The remuneration provided for in the first paragraph shall be allocated to the commissaire à l’exécution du plan, under the same conditions, where the commissaire has submitted an application to the court for the plan to be rescinded.