The representatives of the territorial or regional chambers of commerce and industry other than the chairmen, who are ex officio members, are elected for five years. However, if their chamber is put up for renewal in a year other than that of the five-yearly renewal, their term of office shall automatically expire and the territorial or regional chamber of commerce and industry shall make new appointments under the conditions provided for in Article R. 711-25. If an interconsular grouping is created in the period between two five-yearly consular elections, the members of its general assembly are renewed at the next five-yearly renewal.
Between two five-yearly renewals, appointments may be made under the conditions set out in article R. 711-25 to fill any vacancies.
From the day of the five-year renewal until the day of the installation of the new members of the general meeting of the grouping, the latter may only meet to carry out protective and urgent acts of administration. Under no circumstances may it incur expenditure in excess of the resources available for the current financial year.