I.-The regional chambers of commerce and industry provide the opinion requested by the regional council on any assistance scheme for business start-ups and takeovers and for businesses that the region is considering setting up.
They may be consulted by the State, the region and their public establishments on any issue relating to economic activity and development, vocational training, regional planning and the environment of the regional constituency.
They may, on their own initiative, issue opinions and wishes on these same issues.
The territorial chambers of commerce and industry are informed of the opinions issued pursuant to the preceding paragraphs by the regional chamber of commerce and industry to which their constituency belongs.
II.-The support and back-up functions provided for in 6° of Article L. 711-8 include at least:
1° Management of the staff it employs, including in particular payroll and training;
2° Financial and accounting services;
3° Audit services;
4° Legal services;
5° Purchasing and public contracts;
6° Communication;
7° Information systems.
These support and back-up functions may cover the services and facilities managed by the chambers of commerce and industry attached to them.
In accordance with I of Article L. 711-10, they may delegate some of these support and back-up functions, with the exception of those listed in 1° above which are carried out at their level, to one of the chambers attached to them, but no support and back-up function may be split up, or delegated to several chambers.
Each regional chamber of commerce and industry to which territorial chambers of commerce and industry are attached constitutes a central purchasing body within the meaning of the Public Procurement Code.