When the importance of an establishment, work or service managed by a territorial chamber of commerce and industry exceeds its financial resources, its management or operation may be entrusted to the regional chamber of commerce and industry to which this managing establishment is attached;
This decision is taken, as appropriate:
1° By the supervisory authority, under the reinforced supervision of articles R. 712-10 and R. 712-11, with the agreement of the grantor if the grantor is not the State;
The terms of the transfer are then recorded in an appendix to a prefectoral order;
2° Or by decisions of the chambers concerned adopted under the same terms, with the agreement of the grantor.
The terms of the transfer are then specified by an agreement submitted for approval to the supervisory authority under the conditions of 7° of Article R. 712-7.
If necessary, the sectoral plan and the mission organisation plan are updated to take account of this transfer.