The user who has paid the sums defined in article R. 7123-20 that are still due is subrogated, up to the same amount, to all the rights of the employees and the social security bodies against the modelling agency.
Home | French Legislation Articles | Part Seven: Provisions specific to certain professions and activities | Book I: Professional journalists, the entertainment, audiovisual, advertising and fashion professions | Title II: Entertainment, audiovisual, advertising and fashion professions | Chapter III: Models and modelling agencies | Section 3: Model agencies | Subsection 3: Financial guarantee | Paragraph 5: Substitution of the user for the modelling agency in the event of insufficient security | Article R7123-40 of the French Labour Code
The user who has paid the sums defined in article R. 7123-20 that are still due is subrogated, up to the same amount, to all the rights of the employees and the social security bodies against the modelling agency.
L’utilisateur qui a payé les sommes définies à l’article R. 7123-20 qui restaient dues est subrogé, à due concurrence, dans tous les droits des salariés, des organismes de sécurité sociale contre l’agence de mannequins.
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