I.-A commission for drawing up electoral lists is set up in each district of a territorial chamber of commerce and industry.
For local or departmental chambers of commerce and industry in the Ile-de-France region, the commission is set up at regional level.
The commission for drawing up the electoral lists is chaired by the judge of the commercial court where the head office of the chamber of commerce and industry concerned is located, who is responsible for supervising the register of commerce and companies, or his representative.
In addition to its chairman, the commission is made up of the judge of the commercial court where the head office of the chamber of commerce and industry concerned is located, who is responsible for supervising the register of commerce and companies, or his representative.
In addition to its chairman, the committee is made up of a representative of the administrative authority referred to in II of Article R. 713-1 and the chairman of the chamber of commerce and industry concerned or a member appointed by him.
When the district of the chamber of commerce and industry concerned is located in a different region, the committee is made up of a representative of the administrative authority referred to in II of Article R. 713-1 and a member appointed by him.
Where the constituency of the chamber of commerce and industry or of the committee responsible for drawing up the electoral lists extends into the jurisdiction of several commercial courts, the judge responsible for supervising the register of commerce and companies and the registrar of each of these courts or their representatives take part in the committee’s work.
Where the commission for drawing up electoral lists is set up at regional level, the president of each local or departmental chamber of commerce and industry, or his representative, may take part in the work of the commission.
The secretariat of the commission is provided jointly by the president of each local or departmental chamber of commerce and industry, or his representative.
The secretariat of the committee is provided jointly by the registrar of the court of first instance with jurisdiction in commercial matters and by the director general of the chamber of commerce and industry concerned or by a member of staff designated by him/her within the chamber.
The departments of the chamber of commerce and industry are responsible for the secretariat of the committee.
The departments of the chamber of commerce and industry provide assistance to the secretariat of the committee.
The committee meets when convened by the director general of the chamber of commerce and industry concerned.
The Commission meets, at the invitation of its Chairman, from 1 January of the year of each renewal.
II -With a view to drawing up the electoral lists, the electoral list committee collects data relating to natural and legal persons registered in the register of commerce and companies in the district of the chamber and meeting the conditions laid down in II of article L. 713-1. It updates these data by taking into account information made available to it by 31 January of the year of renewal at the latest by the courts of first instance with jurisdiction in commercial matters, as well as information from the company register referred to in article D. 711-67-4.
Before the last day of February, the Chamber of Commerce and Companies will publish a list of the companies registered in the register.
Before the last day of February of the same year, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry concerned asks the natural and legal persons mentioned above to designate, by 30 April at the latest, the electors defined in articles L. 713-1 to L. 713-3. This information is forwarded to the commission responsible for drawing up the electoral rolls.
The captains and pilots referred to in d of 1° of II of article L. 713-1 apply to the commission to be included on the electoral roll before 30 April of the same year.
III -On the basis of the information collected in accordance with I and II, the electoral roll committee draws up the electoral rolls, established by professional category and, where applicable, sub-category, referred to in article L. 713-11. The commission set up at regional level draws up the electoral lists for each departmental and local chamber of commerce and industry constituency.
The compulsory information appearing on the electoral list must be in writing.
The compulsory information appearing on the electoral list for each elector is specified by order of the Minister responsible.
The electoral list is sent to the Prefect of the Chamber of Commerce.
The electoral list is forwarded by the Prefect to the administrative authority referred to in II of article R. 713-1 by 15 July of the same year at the latest.
IV -In the cases provided for in IV of article R. 713-1, the electoral roll is updated in accordance with the same procedures.
In the cases provided for in V of Article R. 713-1, the electoral list drawn up at the time of the previous renewal is supplemented with persons who meet the conditions set out in Article L. 713-1 after the last ballot.