Article R713-31 of the French Commercial code
Consular delegates are elected in the constituency defined in article L. 713-6.
Home | French Legislation Articles | French Commercial code | Regulatory part | BOOK VII: Commercial jurisdictions and the organisation of commerce. | TITLE I: The network of Chambers of Commerce and Industry. | Chapter III: Election of members of territorial and regional chambers of commerce and industry
Consular delegates are elected in the constituency defined in article L. 713-6.
The number of consular delegates is set, under the conditions provided for in Article L. 713-12, by prefectoral order. The distribution of delegates between the categories corresponding respectively to commercial, industrial or service activities and possibly the sub-categories provided for by Article L. 713-11 is made under the same conditions as those laid down for members of territorial chambers of commerce and industry by the articles R. 711-47 and R….
Consular delegates who wish to resign or who lose the capacity in respect of which they were elected shall submit their resignation to the Prefect. However, consular delegates who change professional category or sub-category and consular delegates who fulfil the conditions of eligibility in another constituency shall retain their mandate until the next elections. .
The election organisation commission provided for in Article L. 713-17 and governed by the provisions of Article R. 713-13 is also competent to organise the election of consular delegates. However, for this task, the secretariat is provided jointly by the registrar of the court mentioned in the second paragraph of article R. 713-13 and by the director general of the territorial chamber of commerce and industry or his representative.
I.-The commission mentioned in Article R. 713-34 is responsible for: 1° Checking that ballot papers and circulars comply with the provisions of the order provided for in Article R. 713-36 ; 2° Sending to voters, no later than thirteen days before the last day of the ballot, the circulars and ballot papers of the candidates in each category or sub-category as well as the instruments required for voting; 3° Organising…
An order of the Minister of Justice sets the format, wording and printing procedures for ballot papers and circulars, as well as the procedures for presenting candidates on ballot papers. .
I.-For the application of Article L. 713-7, the territorial chamber of commerce and industry shall request that companies entered in the register of commerce and companies provide it with the list of persons mentioned in 2° and 3° of this article. The captains and pilots designated in d of 1° of the same article request to be registered on the list with the commission for drawing up electoral lists provided…
The provisions of Article R. 713-2 are applicable to the election of consular delegates.
The provisions of Article R. 713-4 are applicable to the election of consular delegates.
The provisions of Article R. 713-5 are applicable to the election of consular delegates.
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