I.-Applications shall be declared in writing to the prefecture of the département in which the headquarters of the territorial chamber of commerce and industry is located.
The département prefect shall send a copy of the applications to that chamber to the prefect of the region in which the headquarters of the regional chamber of commerce and industry is located.
II.-.Declarations of candidacy are admissible from the day set by the order convening the electors provided for in Article R. 713-1 and until the fortieth day before the last day of voting, at 12 noon.
The declaration of candidacy shall state the surname, first names, gender, date and place of birth of the candidate, his nationality, the company name and address of the company in which he carries out his duties, the commercial court to which his company belongs, his registration number on the electoral roll, the professional category and, where applicable, the sub-category in which he is standing.
The declaration shall clearly indicate whether the person concerned is standing for the two associated mandates of member of the regional chamber of commerce and industry and member of the territorial chamber of commerce and industry, or whether he is standing as a member of the territorial chamber of commerce and industry alone.
Application as a member of a delegation of the territorial chamber of commerce and industry shall be indicated in addition to either of the applications mentioned in the previous paragraph.
Each full or alternate candidate shall certify to the administrative authority referred to in II of Article R. 713-1, in the form of a declaration on his honour, that he meets the eligibility conditions listed in Article L. 713-4, that he is not subject to any of the disqualifications provided for in Article L. 713-3 and that he complies with the obligations provided for in III of Article R. 713-8.
III.-.The candidate’s declaration of candidacy for election as a full member of the regional chamber of commerce and industry is accompanied by the declaration of candidacy of his alternate, which is inseparable from it. This declaration includes the same information and declarations as those required of the titular candidate and is accompanied by a written acceptance of the substitute’s status.
IV.-Applications may be submitted as part of a group. These must be accompanied by a joint declaration signed by the candidates who are members of the group, and published with the applications pursuant to the second paragraph of article R. 713-10. The number of members of the grouping may not exceed the number of seats to be filled in the sub-categories or categories in which they are standing.
Membership of the grouping includes an undertaking to submit common campaign documents for the application of the provisions of article R. 713-12.
Each candidate of a grouping may give a mandate to another member of the grouping to carry out all the steps necessary for the registration of the grouping’s candidates