I.-At the time of each general renewal, the regional chamber of commerce and industry and the territorial chamber of commerce and industry carry out an economic weighting study, each insofar as it is concerned and in accordance with the criteria set out in articles L. 713-11, L. 713-12 and L. 713-13.
This study determines, on the one hand, the economic importance of the professional categories and, where applicable, sub-categories within the regional chamber of commerce and industry and the territorial, local or departmental chamber of commerce and industry of Ile-de-France, and on the other hand, the economic importance of the districts of the territorial, local or departmental chambers of commerce and industry of Ile-de-France within the regional chamber of commerce and industry to which they are attached.
II.-The economic weighting study gathers the statistical data enabling the following to be established, by category, sub-category and district of the Ile-de-France territorial, local or departmental chamber of commerce and industry:
1° The number of nationals;
2° The sum of the tax bases for the business property tax due by its nationals;
3° The number of employees they employ.
The economic weight is determined, for the entire term of office, by the arithmetic mean of these three data.
If the constituency of a territorial chamber of commerce and industry extends over two regions, these data are established separately in the territory falling within each region.
The statistical data mentioned in the first paragraph are collected no later than 30 September of the year preceding that of the general renewal. The tax bases for the year preceding that of the general renewal, provided by establishment, are collected from the tax departments by the regional chamber of commerce and industry. The number of employees in the establishments, established on 30 June of the year preceding that of the general renewal, is collected from the unions de recouvrement des cotisations de sécurité sociale et d’allocations familiales by each territorial chamber of commerce and industry and each regional chamber of commerce and industry for the local and departmental chambers of commerce and industry in Ile-de-France attached to it.
For the departmental chambers of Ile-de-France and the local chambers of commerce and industry, the economic weighting study is carried out by the regional chamber of commerce and industry.
The data referred to in 1° and 3° are sent by each territorial chamber of commerce and industry to the regional chamber of commerce and industry to which it is attached by 10 March of the year of the general renewal at the latest. The regional chamber of commerce and industry shall ensure the reliability and accuracy of the data transmitted.
III.-The study calculates the proportion represented within the Ile-de-France territorial, local or departmental chamber by each professional category and, where applicable, each sub-category for each of the three economic indicators listed in II of this article.
The same calculation is made, within the regional chamber of commerce and industry, to establish the proportions represented, on the one hand by the categories and sub-categories, and on the other hand by the constituencies of the Ile-de-France territorial, local or departmental chambers of commerce and industry.
IV.-The number of professional sub-categories defined pursuant to the second paragraph of article L. 713-11 is limited to two. The distribution of voters between these two sub-categories is decided by the regional chamber of commerce and industry after consultation with the territorial chambers of commerce and industry.
V.-The chambers mentioned in the first paragraph of I send the economic weighting studies to the regional prefect of the head office of the chamber concerned, to CCI France and to the supervisory minister, by 31 March of the year of the general renewal at the latest. The weighting economic study of the regional chamber of commerce and industry must correspond to the aggregation of the economic studies carried out by the territorial, local or departmental chambers of commerce and industry of Ile-de-France that are attached to it.
If the economic weighting study has not been provided by the required dates, or if the statistical data or calculations it presents are inaccurate or defective, the supervisory authority will arrange for the necessary study to be carried out as soon as possible at the expense of the defaulting chamber.
VI.-This study makes it possible to determine the economic weight of each regional chamber of commerce and industry referred to in 10° of Article L. 711-16.