I. – The National Institute of Industrial Property shall draw up a summary of the public enquiry and consultation, which it shall send to the applicant, together with its conclusions and any recommendations, within two months of the end of the consultation.
The applicant has a period of two months from receipt of these documents in which to submit comments.
He may, if appropriate, within the same period, notify his intention to revise provisions of the specification, as part of an application for approval of that specification, or amendments to the approved specification, as part of an application to amend that specification.
II. – In the case provided for in the last paragraph of I, if the planned revisions concern the elements mentioned in 1° to 6° of Article L. 721-7, a new public enquiry and a new consultation, limited solely to the elements of the amended specifications, are organised by the institute.
Within two months of receipt of these revisions, a notice of the opening of this new enquiry is published in the forms provided for in I of Article R. 721-3.
The Institute opens the new consultation on the elements of the amended specifications at the same time as it publishes the notice of the opening of the new public enquiry provided for in the previous paragraph. The provisions of the second and third paragraphs of I of Article R. 721-4 are applicable to this new consultation, the terms of which are specified by decision of the Director General of the Institute.
The Institute draws up a summary of the new public enquiry and the new consultation which it sends to the applicant, together with its conclusions, within two months of the end of the consultation. The applicant has a period of one month from receipt of these documents to submit comments.
After this new public enquiry and consultation, the applicant may no longer revise the draft specifications or the draft amendment to the approved specifications unless the desired revisions are intended to revert to the initial draft.
III. – The summary of the public enquiry and consultation, provided for in I, shall be published on the website of the National Institute of Industrial Property at the end of the period given to the applicant to submit observations. In the event that a new public enquiry and a new consultation have been organised under the conditions provided for in II, the summary of these shall be published on the same website, at the end of the period given to the applicant to submit observations.