Decisions to approve or reject the approval of a specification and decisions to approve or reject the amendment of an approved specification shall be notified by the Institute to the applicant within two months of the expiry of the comment periods provided for in the second paragraph of I and the fourth paragraph of II of l’article R. 721-5 or within two months of the expiry of the deferral periods provided for in Article 9 of Directive 98/34/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 June 1998, where the transmission provided for in III of Article R. 721-2 and where the expiry date of these deferral periods is after the expiry date of the observation periods. This two-month period may be extended for a maximum period of one month by a reasoned decision of the Director General of the Institute, which shall be notified to the applicant.
Decisions to approve a specification are accompanied, when notified, by the approval number.