In the event of a property seizure, where the forced sale of a debtor’s property has been ordered and the commission refers the matter to the judge responsible for the property seizure for the purpose of postponing the auction date pursuant to the provisions of Article L. 721-7 or those of article L. 722-4, it shall send the request by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt or by hand-delivery with acknowledgement of receipt to the registry, at least fifteen days before the date scheduled for the sale.
This request shall state the name, first name and surname of the buyer and the date of the sale.
This request shall state the full name and address of the debtor and those of the pursuing creditors or, in the case of legal entities, their name and registered office. It shall specify the serious and duly justified reasons put forward in support of the application. Attached to the request is a statement of the debtor’s income, a list of the assets and liabilities of the debtor’s estate and a list of enforcement proceedings brought against the debtor’s property, any transfers of earnings that the debtor has agreed to and any measures to evict the debtor from his home, drawn up using the documents available to the commission.