The declaration includes:
1° The company name of the legal entity or the name of the sole trader and their address ;
2° The address of the main establishment of the legal entity or the sole trader and the address of their secondary establishments;
3° An indication of the personal services activities proposed;
4° An undertaking by the legal representative of the legal entity or sole trader to carry out its activity in the field of personal services on an exclusive basis, in accordance with Article L. 7232-1-1, subject to 5° ;
5° An undertaking by the legal representative of the oral person exempt from the condition of exclusive activity pursuant to Article L. 7232-1-2 to set up separate accounts for the personal services mentioned in Article L. 7231-1 ;
6° For certain services identified as such by the decree provided for in 1° of Article L. 7231-2, a commitment to include these services in a range of services comprising a set of personal services activities carried out in the home.