The commission shall notify, by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt, the debtor and the creditors of the measures it intends to impose pursuant to the provisions of Articles L. 733-1, L. 733-4 et L. 733-7.
This letter also mentions the provisions of articles L. 733-8, L. 733-9 et L. 733-14.
In the event that the provisions of 3° of Article L. 733-1 or Article L. 733-4 are applied, it shall state the specific reasons for the commission’s decision.
It states that any challenge to the measures that the commission intends to impose shall be made by statement delivered or sent by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt to its secretariat within thirty days of their notification; it specifies that this statement shall indicate the surname, first names and address of its author, the measures challenged and the grounds for the challenge, and shall be signed by the latter.
Where the provisions of Article L. 714-1, the same letter shall inform the lessor that, in the absence of any dispute on his part, the measures that the commission intends to impose shall replace the deadlines and terms of payment of the rental debt previously granted by a decision of the judge seized pursuant to article 24 of law no. 89-462 of 6 July 1989 aimed at improving rental relations and amending law no. 86-1290 of 23 December 1986.
It points out that, in any event, the suspension of the effects of the automatic termination clause of the rental contract resulting from the decision of the judge seised pursuant to article 24 of law no. 89-462 of 6 July 1989 aimed at improving rental relations and amending law no. 86-1290 of 23 December 1986 does not affect the performance of the said contract and in particular does not suspend the payment of rent and charges.
It also points out that the eviction procedure is resumed in the event of non-payment of rent or service charges, as well as in the event of non-compliance with the measures imposed by the commission.