The purpose of the expert appraisal, to which one or more workers’ organisations recognised as representative or one or more professional organisations of platforms recognised as representative may have recourse pursuant to Article L. 7343-56, is to inform them on the subjects mentioned in that Article which are necessary for the negotiation of sector agreements, by providing them with clear, precise and impartial information.
The request for authorisation to use the expertise provided for in Article L. 7343-56 is addressed to the Director General of the Autorité des relations sociales des plateformes d’emploi. It shall include:
1° A list of the organisations making the request for expertise;
2° The specifications referred to in Article L. 7343-56 drawn up by the organisation(s) making the request. It specifies the context of the expert’s intervention and contains a precise presentation of the expert assessment requested, outlining the question(s) asked, and the elements needed to justify its necessity for the negotiations in progress;
3° A proposal issued by the prospective expert which specifies:
a) Any elements needed to attest to his knowledge of the subject to be dealt with, his experience in the field and his compliance with the conditions set out in article R. 7343-104. Where applicable, the expert shall state any links of interest he has with the platforms, the self-employed workers using them for their activity or the organisations representing them;
b) The estimated duration of the assignment;
c) The choice of appropriate methods for carrying out the expert assessment. The expert must clearly set out the methodology chosen;
d) The data that will be requested by the expert and the persons likely to be able to provide it;
e) The identity of the project manager referred to in Article R. 7343-105 that he plans to appoint, as well as any information that can be used to prove that he fulfils the condition set out in the second paragraph of this Article;
f) The list of subcontractors referred to in Article R. 7343-106 that it is likely to use and, where applicable, their links of interest with the platforms, the self-employed workers using them for their activity or the organisations representing them;
g) An estimate of the cost of the assessment.
The Director General of the Employment Platforms Social Relations Authority may ask the expert to supplement the information contained in the proposal if this proves necessary in order to rule on the request.
The Director General of the Employment Platforms Social Relations Authority shall determine the model of the application form.