I.-In order to prepare and enable the electronic voting provided for in Article L. 7343-9, automated processing of personal data is created under the responsibility of the Employment Platforms Labour Relations Authority.
The categories of personal data processed are as follows:
1° For the purpose of drawing up the electoral roll: data relating to the identity of workers and their professional activity as referred to in Article L. 7343-1 ;
2° For the processing of candidacies: data relating to the identity of the proxy holder;
3° For the communication to voters of information enabling them to vote: data relating to their identity;
4° For electoral operations: data necessary for the implementation of the authentication protocol provided for in the second paragraph of article R. 7343-44 and data relating to the identity of members of the polling station and agents in charge of the vote.
In the voting system, this automated processing guarantees the separation, in separate files, of data relating to voters, on the one hand, and votes, on the other.
II-The processing mentioned in I above is based on information provided by all the platforms mentioned in Article L. 7343-1, by the representatives of the candidate organisations and by the Employment Platforms Labour Relations Authority.
III – The recipients of the personal data processed are, for all the information collected, the agents of the Employment Platforms Social Relations Authority, the persons authorised by the service provider(s) responsible for drawing up the electoral roll acting on behalf of the Employment Platforms Social Relations Authority and the persons authorised by the service provider acting on behalf of the same authority with a view to setting up remote electronic voting.
IV – An order of the Minister for Employment specifies the characteristics of the automated processing provided for in I.
In particular, it sets out:
1° The list of personal data recorded in the processing;
2° The guarantees surrounding the use of a technical service provider responsible, in compliance with the security obligations set out in this chapter, for project management of the automated processing and the terms and conditions of its involvement;
3° The terms and conditions of the independent expert report provided for in article R. 7343-4;
4° The procedures for identifying voters and the procedures for recovering the voter’s identifier and password.