A polling station is presided over by a serving or honorary magistrate from the judiciary, appointed by the president of the Social Division of the Cour de cassation. It also includes:
1° An assessor who is a serving or honorary administrative judge, appointed by the President of the Paris Administrative Court of Appeal;
2° An assessor appointed by the First President of the Paris Court of Appeal from among serving or honorary judicial judges or court officers;
3° A secretary appointed by the Director General of the Autorité des relations sociales des plateformes d’emploi.
The chairman and the assessors mentioned in 1° and 2° of this article may be common to the different polling stations.
In the event of absence, the chairman of the polling station is replaced by the oldest of the assessors present.
In the event of absence, the secretary of the polling station is replaced by the youngest of the assessors present.
When the polling station is called upon to rule on a dispute, the chairman of the polling station has the casting vote in the event of a tie.
The secretary attends the meetings of the executive committee, but does not have the right to vote on its decisions.