I.-The polling station is responsible for monitoring all electoral operations, counting the votes and announcing the results. In particular, for each ballot, it ensures:
1° The implementation of the security measures designed to guarantee the secrecy and integrity of the ballot;
2° The confidentiality of the voters’ file containing the elements enabling them to be identified, the encryption of the electronic ballot box and the separation of the electronic ballot box and the voters’ file;
3° The preservation of the various information media and the conditions of security and confidentiality of the data during and after the ballot;
4° The status of the persons authorised to access each of the computer files provided for in article R. 7343-37.
II – The polling station may, at any time, check the availability and integrity of the voting system and the files mentioned in 2° of I of this article. It is competent to take any information and safeguard measures, including the temporary or definitive cessation of electronic voting operations if it considers that their sincerity, secrecy or accessibility are no longer guaranteed.
The polling station shall be given every facility to enable it to effectively monitor electronic voting operations. It may, as necessary, refer any questions relating to the conduct of these operations to the authorities and, where applicable, to the service providers responsible for organising them.
The polling station is automatically and immediately informed of any technical intervention on the voting system.