The Chief Executive Officer manages the company in accordance with the guidelines laid down by the Board of Directors.
In addition to those delegated to him by the Board of Directors, the Chief Executive Officer has the following responsibilities in particular:
1° He prepares the decisions of the Board of Directors and ensures that they are implemented or has them implemented;
2° He prepares the institution’s budget;
3° He is the authorising officer for the institution’s revenue and expenditure;
4° It shall enter into contracts and public procurement contracts on behalf of the institution in accordance with the conditions laid down by the Board of Directors;
5° It shall manage the staff of the institution;
6° It shall appoint to all positions for which no other authority is competent;
7° It shall organise the ballot referred to in article L. 7343-5 under the conditions laid down by articles L. 7343-5 to L. 7343-11;
8° It communicates, in application of article L. 7343-12 , the names of the representatives appointed by the organisations recognised as representative of the employees in application of article L. 7343-4 to the platform with which they have a contract;
9° It shall authorise the termination of the commercial contract of the representatives appointed pursuant to Article L. 7343-13 ;
10° It shall ensure the funding of the training courses referred to in Article L. 7343-19 and the compensation for training days and delegation hours referred to in Article L. 7343-20, as well as, where applicable, the payment of additional compensation defined by collective agreement in the sector;
11° It promotes social dialogue with representatives of workers and platforms, assists the latter in implementing sector negotiation rules as well as in organising electoral cycles and helps to establish and conduct dialogue in application of Article L. 7343-55 ;
12° It ensures that the statistics mentioned in 5° of Article L. 7345-1 and that they are made available to the representative organisations in a legible and comprehensible format;
13° It signs approval decisions on behalf of the Employment Platforms Labour Relations Authority;
14° It rules on requests for expert appraisal, under the conditions laid down in Section 6 of Chapter IV of this Title;
15° At least every two years, it submits to the Board of Directors an observation report on the practices of the platforms relating to the conditions under which employees carry out their professional activity, particularly with regard to the use of algorithms and digital tools and employees’ personal data, which may be accompanied by recommendations.
On behalf of the State, it draws up the lists referred to in articles L. 7343-4 and L. 7343-24. These decrees are published in the Journal officiel de la République française.
He may delegate his signature to the establishment’s employees to take acts on his behalf relating to the responsibilities listed above.
He shall report to each meeting of the Board of Directors on the implementation of his duties.