When the office-holder maintains his intention to dismiss the salaried registrar, he shall notify him of his dismissal either by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt, or by letter delivered against a receipt.
In the event of serious misconduct, the office-holder may, before referring the matter to the committee provided for in article R. 743-139-17, notify the salaried registrar of his immediate dismissal, in the same manner as provided for in the first paragraph. If the matter is not referred to the committee within eight days of the notification, the layoff shall lapse ipso jure.
As soon as the employee clerk is notified of the layoff, he shall be suspended from performing his duties as a public official and from exercising his professional mandates.
Within five days of notification of the dismissal or layoff, the holder of the office shall inform, by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt, the president of the Conseil national des greffiers des tribunaux de commerce, the president of the committee of article R. 743-139-17 and the public prosecutor, as well as the Minister of Justice, by teleprocedure on the website of the Ministry of Justice.