All deliberations are recorded in minutes signed by the members present and containing, in particular, the date and place of the meeting, its detailed agenda, the identity of the members present and represented, a summary of the discussions, the text of the resolutions put to the vote and the results of the votes.
The minutes of the shareholders’ deliberations and, where applicable, those of the Board of Directors’ or Supervisory Board’s and Management Board’s deliberations, are recorded in a special register previously listed and initialled by the President of the Commercial Court or one of the members of the court appointed by him for this purpose. The register is kept at the company’s registered office.
However, the minutes may be drawn up on continuously numbered loose-leaf pages, initialled in accordance with the conditions set out in the first paragraph. As soon as a sheet has been completed, even partially, it must be attached to those previously used. Any addition, deletion, substitution or inversion of sheets is prohibited.