The authorisation provided for in the first paragraph of Article L. 752-23 is granted to any legal entity meeting the following conditions:
1° Neither it nor any of its legal representatives, members or employees has been convicted of a criminal offence by a French or foreign court for an offence relating to corruption or trading in influence, embezzlement, fraud or extortion within the meaning of the code pénal;
2° Justify the means and tools for checking the conformity of a commercial facility referred to in Article L. 752-1 to the commercial development authorisation or favourable opinion issued by a commercial development commission pursuant to the provisions of Article L. 752-6 ;
3° Justify that the natural persons by whom or under whose responsibility the certificate of conformity referred to in Article R. 752-44-1 hold a higher education qualification or diploma of a level equal to or higher than level 3 within the meaning of the provisions of code du travail relative au cadre national des certifications professionnelles sanctionnant une formation juridique, économique, commerciale ou d’ingénierie, ou d’un diplôme étranger d’un niveau comparable.
The authorisation application file also includes the unique identification number of the applicant or, for applicants located outside France, any document equivalent to the extract from the register of companies, an up-to-date certificate of professional insurance and copies of the identity documents of all the natural persons covered by the application. Any change leads to an update, within one month, of the authorisation file filed with the prefecture.